Youngsang Kwon is an Associate Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Memphis. Grounded in the theoretical framework of biogeography, his work primarily deals with the development of spatially explicit models for enriching our understanding of forest community patterns and responses to changing environments (natural and anthropogenic) in the multi-scale contexts (spatial and temporal) of landscapes.
PhD in Geography, 2012
The State University of New York at Buffalo
MS in Environmental Studies, 2004
Seoul National University
BSc in Forest Resources and Environmental Science, 2001
Korea University
Research area includes:
Improved remote-sensing imagery techniques to identify riparian corridor characteristics in headwater streams and inventory wetlands, lakes, and permanent streams in West Tennessee.
Biogeographic understanding of the effect of species interactions on tree growth and translate that mechanistic knowledge into predicting species range dynamics.
Title: GRACE Project Water resource management requires better understanding of trend and seasonality of groundwater that has historically relied on a network of well levels or hydrological models. The Memphis aquifer is the main source for public supply water in western Tennessee; however, spatio-temporal mapping of groundwater in this region is lacking.